$BHO Token is a non-inflationary asset and is always deflationary over time.
BHO Network is a Multichain ecosystem governed in a decentralized form (DAO), inside it are CeDeFi products built and used with $BHO Token.
Total Supply: 4,572,797,884 BHO
- Total Burned: 5,427,202,116 BHO - 54.27%
- Token Name: BHO Token
- Token Symbol: BHO
- Decimal: 18
- Contract Address: 0x8717...0a8a8
- No taxes, No Bullshit. It's that simple
- LP token are burnt and contract ownership is renounced.
How to buy
$BHO is best purchased and sold through PancakeSwap, but you can found on Mexc and Bitmart
$BHO is a decentralized experiment, and as such, we always incentivize the use of DEXs.
Get some BNB
Have BNB in your wallet to switch to $BHO. You can transfer from another wallet, or by on another exchange and send it to your wallet
Swap BNB to BHO
Press on Swap Icon on Home screen of 3S Wallet. Then, swap your BNB for BHO coin.